Feb 27, 2009


Today i was sitting in my gallery as i use to sit tere everyday an today was no differerent........ was it so really ........ oh yes ! it was a bit ... as i was sitting there i came to see a banner hanging from both the corners an greeting everyone entering the gully..... "vishal hindu sammelan", this was the sentence which acquired my attention.... in the past i have seen many a banner and hoardings like this bbut never had a thought or better say i never stopped to have a relook at it.. then why today?.. this was the question i was asking to myself.. may be because i now alike others have started thinking or just wanna project myself as an intellectual.. watever may be the reason...... there was something i found really untolerable.... this country despite making its presence in the 21st century world is still struck to its hypocracy if nothing else.. i wonder why just a "vishal hindu sammelan" y not a " maha bhartiya sammelan"... why do we need a communal base/support... i would have been pleased had the sammelan of these kind ever had benefitted any of us..... these are just power game and nothing else... why are we making ourselves a victim of communalism.. these thoughts ran through my mind while i kept looking at the banner with a sadhujee asking to be present at the do in large numbers to make rthe sammelan a success.. i have no doubt that the sammelan would be a success but who is going to win .... the answer is an emphatic, NONE OF US......
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