Mar 13, 2009

so a new day with a new flavour ... i m talking about the HOLY-DAY(NOT HOLIDAY). YES ITS SYNONYMOUS WITH HOLIAY AND SHOULD BE .. BECAUSE THE HOLY DAY IS NO LESS THAN A HOLIDAYY.. OK OK .. NO MORE CONFUSIONS . JUST HOLYDAY. we celebrate this day with alot o energy and mauj-masti... no boundations and no red tape. rght... i m always rght .. hehhehe holi is a festive of colours, different in their appeareance and characters but they come together ultimately to please us by loosing their original features and wearing a new face to give us joy and time to njoy the day... THIS FESTIVE GIVES US TIME TO LEARN AND PEEP INTO OUR LIFE IN A PARTICULAR WAY.. HOW.? we indians are like a happy family constituted by different people having their respective characters same as the colours have ... but at times we fght and quarrel among ourselves... and not to forget the, "English Gift of Division". We live together and share common objectives. we have a common history. then why cant we mix like the colours do........ we can but we lack the self-motivation , same as the colours dont get mix themselves but need an external help ( ours) to do so.....
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